what percentage of poker players make money

Understanding the world of poker can be quite intricate, especially when it comes to the financial aspect of the game. Many aspiring players wonder, what percentage of poker players make money? This question is pivotal for anyone contemplating entering the realm of poker, whether for recreational purposes or as a potential career.

Profitability Statistics in Poker

In the poker community, it is widely believed that approximately 10% to 15% of players consistently make a profit. This statistic can vary depending on numerous factors, including the type of poker being played, the skill level of opponents, and the grit with which players approach the game.

Factors Influencing Profitability

Several aspects can influence the profitability of poker players:

  • Skill Level: Players with advanced strategies and a deeper understanding of game mechanics are more likely to profit.
  • Game Type: The dynamics of cash games vs. tournaments can drastically affect earnings. Cash games may provide more consistent income, while tournaments are often riskier but can yield larger payouts.
  • Bankroll Management: Players who manage their bankroll wisely tend to last longer in the game and have more chances to profit.
  • Table Selection: Choosing the right table with less experienced players can significantly impact a player’s earnings.

Myths and Realities

There are many misconceptions about poker player profitability. One common myth is that poker is purely a game of luck. While luck does play a role, the skill and strategic mindset of a player are far more crucial for long-term success.

The Reality of Earnings

While a minority of players make significant earnings, the majority may only break even or incur losses. It’s essential to recognize that poker should not be viewed solely as a means to make money. Passion, enjoyment, and a genuine interest in the game are vital components of a successful poker journey.

Q&A Section

Q: What kinds of poker are most profitable?

A: Generally, cash games tend to be more profitable for skilled players compared to tournament formats. However, each type has its advantages. High-stakes cash games provide consistent income, while winning a large tournament can offer life-changing payouts.

Q: How can an amateur improve their chances of making money?

A: Amateurs can improve their profitability by studying the game, participating in training sessions, and playing regularly. Learning about bankroll management and understanding the odds are crucial for enhancing their performance.

Q: Is online poker different from live poker in terms of profitability?

A: Yes, online poker can be more profitable for some players due to higher traffic and the ability to play multiple tables simultaneously. However, it also comes with its challenges, as online players often face more skilled opponents due to the extensive resources available for learning and strategic analysis.


In conclusion, the question of what percentage of poker players make money sheds light on the challenges and realities faced by those in the industry. While making money from poker is certainly possible, it requires not just luck, but a combination of skill, strategy, and consistent practice. For the majority of players, the journey is as important as the potential profits.